
标题: mogul和短摆手臂的位置 [打印本页]

作者: 孤独的牧羊人    时间: 2015-10-8 18:23
标题: mogul和短摆手臂的位置
本帖最后由 孤独的牧羊人 于 2015-10-9 11:15 编辑

在短摆和mogul练习中,很多人忽视手的位置。Patrick Deneen是世界mogul冠军专门谈了一下手臂的位置,和动作。其中降了一点点短摆。短摆是mogul的辅助练习,在没有mogul或者没有上mogul之前,可以在雪道上先练习短摆。


00:14 -Today we can be talking about hands.今天我们来聊聊手的位置。
00:17 - The video was clipped from one ofmy world cup competition rounds.这个视频剪辑来自我在世界杯的某个比赛回合。
00:21 – And the competition were rounds aswell as mogul skiing, quiet hands are quite necessary. 该回合包括mogul赛道。滑行中保持手静止不动非常有必要。
00:26 – In the bumps you can have some moveon the hands, but you want to limit it as much as possible.在mogul中,你的手部可以稍有移动,但是你需要尽可能控制它。
00:32 – Hands can either be a center orcause the problem - you’ll find yourself so heavy in the bumps and ski ingeneral. 双手如果不得要领,就有可能造成困扰 - 你会发现你在mogul以及一般滑行中,自己的身体会很重。
00:37 – When I come to ski, I think Iworked on my hands more than any other specific body part.我滑雪的时候,我觉得我在手上下的功夫,远多于身体其他任何部位。
00:42 – ?flat trail rounds when I focused on my hands.先来看看直滑行时,我怎样把注意力集中在手部。
00:48 - I want my hands out in front of mewith my elbows slightly away from my upper body and my knuckles facing forward.把双手放在身前,让肘部与上半身稍微有些距离,膝盖面向前方。
00:54 – I work to have light grip on mypole and light touch on the snow with my pole plant.轻轻握住雪杖,点杖时轻轻碰到雪即可。
01:00 – Now that all sounds easy, but itreally takes time and repetition to get it right. 说起来很容易,但是真的需要花时间反复练习才能准确完成。
01:06 – I worked onmy hands in the flats aswell as the bumps. 我在直滑行和mogul中都会非常注意手的位置。
01:09 – From the motion you’ll see my lefthand move slightly forward and down for the pole plant. 从这个慢动作中你可以看到我的左手微微向前、向下。
01:13 - I suppose to turn, pause the poleto touch the snow. 在我想要转弯之前,点杖。
01:18 - As soon as the ski cross the fullline, the other hand was forward down again.当雪板滑过最大弧度时,另一只手马上向前向下.
01:22 - Pause the pole to touch the snow,and turns to start over again. 点杖,转弯,然后重复动作。
01:26 – And you can see the pole plantmoves forward and down the hill initiating the turn. 你会发现向前向山下的点杖可以帮助你很好的转弯。
01:31 - After the pole plant happens, thenthe knees roll and skies change direction. 点杖之后,膝关节跟着转弯,雪板也就相应改变方向。
01:37 – On the flats when the pole plant to bequick in between the front of the bindings and tip of the ski, the further forethe better. 直滑行过程中,当需要快速进行点杖时,在固定器前方与板

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